Total amount of supply is 18,400,000 XWP
Cuckaroo29s Cycle PoW algorithm with 15 second block time
Block timing is regulated using Monero DAA
CryptoNote protocol based privacy standards for transactions.
Cuckoo graphing improves verification speed substantially making block propagation much faster.
Decreases cryptographic proof sizes.
Faster confirmations and higher transaction throughput.
Improved network performance and stability.
Establishes a working economy discouraging the mining of empty blocks.
Encourages early adoption and early network security.
Born without governance fees and adheres to a feeless governance model. Swap uses miner fees to incentivize network security.
Equal, fair, and open community release.
Swap (XWP) is a privacy coin with as rigorous and determined an ambition for fair mining as any cryptocurrency I have encountered..
Project OverviewPrivacy is a fundamental human right and requirement for freedom. We should be able to have privacy, not just in our own homes, but also in our financial transactions..
Community InterviewSwap is one of those projects with an active mining community which stood out to me the past months..
Developer InterviewWelcome to Swap, the first CryptoNote coin securing their network by implementing mining with the Cuckaroo Cycle PoW..
Mining OverviewSo how hard is it to setup and run your own Micropool? Not that hard at all and if you follow this guide..
Micropool OverviewA fast, fair, efficient, peer-reviewed, privacy-oriented CN + C29s hybrid monster with a stable and secure blockchain..
Project AnalysisA variety of wallets for a variety of users.
Swap is not associated with exchanges and will not pay fees to be listed. Exchanges have determined Swap deserving of listing.
Whether you're new and want to try out mining or you're a veteran looking for more hash, Mining Rig Rentals is the place to go.
The main hub for all CryptoNote currencies and a popular Swap exchange. A secure and straightforward choice for trading Swap.
The goal at Graviex is to provide a comfortable trading process. That's why commissions on withdrawals are so low and placing funds into a trading account is so quick.
Mine Swap using your computers graphic card with as low as 4GB of dedicated GPU memory. Mining with 4GB of dedicated GPU memory requires GMiner on Windows 7 or Linux.
Mine Swap on lolMiner using CR29-32 as the algorithm parameter.
The only Swap miner to support 4GB GPU Memory. Mining with 4GB GPU memory is only supported on Windows 7 and Linux. For Windows 10 6GB of GPU memory is required.
Windows 10 requires a minimum 6GB GPU Memory. Use Windows 7 or Linux for 5GB GPU Memory support. Includes remote web monitoring. Cuckaroo mining discontinued after version 35.2.
Supports remote web monitoring. Windows requires .NET Core Build apps.
The first Swap miner and serves as an example for other miner developers. Windows requires .NET Core Build apps. This miner is inefficient and not recommended for mining.
The Swap Micropool delivers low latency and zero pool fees to miners. Mining solo is especially achievable with quick 15 second block times and Cuckoo, the simplest PoW algorithm on the planet.
Pool together with other miners and share the block rewards. Use a pool that is geographically near the miner for the best efficiency.
Community Pools
Project milestones and future goals.
Simply speaking, Haven added fees, so the community made a free coin. Thus the birth of FreeHaven (XFH).
Faster 15-second blocktime, no premine, no fees, and no BS.
Re-branding to Swap (XWP) wasn't only a name change, but it also removed any coding ties to Haven.
Swap is rebased from Monero adding BulletProof transactions.
Store XWP physically with a Ledger Blue, Nano S, or Nano X.
First Swap splash page is born with links to pools, mining software, and wallet downloads.
Swap marketing starts assembling. Social media sites are established and community outreach begins to form.
Successfully forked at block 555.555. Swap is the first CryptoNote coin to integrate Cuckaroo for fair mining.
This change brings the Swap blockchain superior security and stability.
The Swap Micropool brings low latency and zero pool fees to all miners.
TradeOgre is a long-time favorite in the CryptoNote space, making it a new friendly place to trade Swap.
Graviex is a beautiful exchange offering pairings in both BTC and ETH.
With the addition of 4 new repos Swap is now compatible with MyMonero Apps.
The new repos are lightwallet-server, myswap-core-js, myswap-core-cpp, and swap-core-custom.
Send and receive Swap with ease using your favorite web browser.
Users can now send and recieve Swap on Android compatible phones.
A user-friendly lightweight GUI option for sending and receiving Swap.
The future of Swap is about remaining a robust blockchain.
Secure against outside attacks and flexible, adapting to advancements in technology.
A community developed crypto coin with contributors from around the world.
The main objective is to remain an ethical, useful, and fair crypto coin. For Swap, this includes robust privacy, ecosystem fairness, full transparency, secure blockchain, and ease of use.
With Swap you can expect no compromises with governance fees, no premine, and no BS.
No, MimbleWimble is the protocol (like CryptoNote). Cuckoo is the original algorithm Cuckatoo and Cuckaroo are based on. Cuckatoo is the ASIC friendly algorithm and Cuckaroo is the GPU friendly algorithm.
Swap uses the CryptoNote protocol for transactions and a Cuckaroo variant for mining.
CryptoNight is slow on GPUs because FPGAs can use embedded RAM. Further variants of CryptoNight will buy time but do not solve anything long-term.
Cuckaroo Cycle PoW brings superior protection and stability to the Swap network. The fork was on February 2nd, 2019 10:30 AM UTC.
We use Moneros way of handling transactions (BulletProof) and a Grin-like way of mining (Cuckaroo Cycle PoW).
Swap will stay close to Monero technology-wise while using a different PoW algorithm.
Learn the technology. It's easier to explain things when you understand them better. Then you can form opinions about the technology's potential, or lack thereof.
Spread the word about Swap and bring all kinds of people in, regardless of coding skills. Even reach out to haters, because they help to make the community more robust.
The two letters are from the initials of FreeHaven. After re-branding to Swap, the address was kept to simplify compatibility with legacy addresses and to remember where the project originated from.
"With a 42-line complete specification, Cuckatoo Cycle is less than half the size of either
SHA256 or Blake2b.
While trivially verifiable, finding a 42-cycle, on the other hand, is far from trivial,
requiring considerable resources."
- John Tromp
Step one is removing edges that are not part of a cycle (99.9%). Step two is a backtracking graph traversal to find all cycles.
Swap uses 32 edge trimming cycles.
Miners use 1 bit per edge and 1 bit per node. Finding node bits in random sequence causes a bottleneck which makes mining memory latency bound.
The majority of this form of mining is done in a very simple way.
Less server overhead making processing more efficient.
Swap is keeping CryptoNote for transactions with anonymity features and user friendliness. Meanwhile, for mining, adopting Cuckaroo with superior network protection and stability.
CryptoNight mining is vulnerable to FPGA and ASIC network attacking.
Cuckaroo29s uses 32-cycles while Cuckaroo29 uses 42-cycles. Both cycling ratios produce similar performances.
For more details read the Cuckoo Whitepaper on Github.
Find an improvement in mining and receive a bounty reward.
CPU speedup bounty $10,000, linear time-memory trade-off bounty $10,000, GPU speedup bounty $5,000, and Siphash bounty $5,000.
CryptoNote uses ring signatures, a sophisticated scheme requiring several different public keys to verify a transaction.
The transaction is signed by multiple users anonymously. Only signing users have knowledge of sender and receiver.
Ring signatures restrict double-spending attempts by linking transactions with the same private key. The protocol uses the key image, derived from a private key through an unidirectional function.
Users store all images and verify them against new transactions. If there is a double key image, the transaction is rejected as a double-spending attempt. Meanwhile the identity of the sender remains unknown, it's not possible to get a private key from an image.
The protocol generates multiple unique one-time addresses for each payment from the unique public key. The sender uses random data and the receiver's public address to generate a one-time key.
The redeemable funds require the receivers private key. They are the only one who can receive the funds sent to the one-time address. A third party can't see the connection between the one-time key and the public address of the receiver.
Genesis on November 16, 2018, at 09:06:03 (UTC).
Total supply is 18,400,000 XWP.
When the block reward is below tail emission block reward, the tail emission phase will begin. Block reward will be constant at 0.075 Swap.
The kickoff will be year 8 from genesis block. This is after roughly 16,000,000 blocks found, or 18,085,000 into coin emission. During tail emission there will be 157,680 coins mined each year.
Swap is a derivative of all academic studies from Monero Research Lab.
Chain Reactions in Traceability Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits Monero is Not That Mysterious Improving Obfuscation Ring Signature Confidential Transactions Implementation of Monero Subaddresses Sets of Spent Outputs Dual Linkable Ring Signatures Thring Signatures and their Applications Logarithm Equality Across Groups Linkable Ring Signatures and Forgery Logarithmic-sized ring signatures Proofs for confidential transactions